The verdict is in. Gabi has
Amblyopia aka "Lazy Eye". The treatment: Six weeks of daily eye patching. Four hours per day. Rotating the eye to be patched daily.
So far so good. One would think that a child with sensory issues so extreme she can "feel" the flowers on her socks, would have an adversity to a band-aid being stuck to, and ripped off of her face daily. Nope. Not Gabi. She thinks it's cool.
She was disappointed that she didn't need glasses. In fact, so disappointed she has been wearing a pink pair of sunglasses (aka her "blind glasses") everywhere and telling people they are her real glasses, and not to listen to whatever I try to tell them about them. Even watching a DVD inside of the van. Glasses on. Sort of reminds me of the time she wrapped a Kleenex around her foot and declared it broken and in need of surgery- assuring everyone to not believe Mommy.
So anyway, we picked up a pack of patches (say that 10 times fast) and spent yesterday afternoon decorating them. She even labeled each day so that she would know which one to wear when looking for one.