Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Common Thread (**Warning- it's a bit "deep" I'm feeling philosophical

Yesterday was amazing. It was FABULOUS! We hosted our second annual Easter Egg Hunt for families touched by adoption. All of the families (about 15 total in attendance!!) have adopted through STAR. The oldest STAR "babies" -the fab 3- Mackenzy, Allie, and Gabi- will all turn four soon. I think the youngest was about 2 months old! Justin was actually the oldest child in attendance- he is a "big brother in waiting"...he was great with the young ones- I think I even saw him smile a few times! At one point, my heart skipped a beat as I looked into our bedroom where we were storing coats and such, and saw three infant car seats in a row. It was beautiful! What a miracle adoption is!!! I loved watching the children play, Innocent to the common thread that weaves them together. One day, they may find comfort in one another- knowing they share the bond of adoption. More likely, if they are like their mommies and daddies, it will be so much more than that. Adoption will be what brought them together, but I hope they will find they have developed friendships that supersede where their "stories" began.


Jodie said...

Thanks Teri! I have to say, I honestly thank God every day for all of you - my friends I have met because of our adoption connection. What a blessing you are to me!

Anonymous said...

It really was SOOO amazing yesterday!! Thanks for putting to words what is still just so fresh and intense in my heart.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Teri! I have to say that when I talk about adoption I always add the and I can not believe the wonderful new friends that I have made in the past year!! Adoption is our common thread, but you guys are more than just my "adoption friends!"

Sue said...

So true, we have made friendships that will last a lifetime...both ours and our childrens!

And it won't be long until you are seeing YOUR baby's gear strewn randomly about. I can feel it!