Friday, September 28, 2007

The Backseat Inquisition

For the past couple of mornings, Gabi has requested that I turn the music off so that we may "chit chat". She then proceeds to throw whammies of questions at me! Yesterday, she wanted to know where the water goes when it rains, and why can't boats go underground if there is water down there, and what a judge does. Yes, that randomly. :) Today, I got "the question", as in "How do babies get into and grow inside of a Mommy's tummy?" I found myself stumbling and uttering words like "uterus". She wanted to know if the uterus was air conditioned. She then asked me if God grew the sun in his tummy. She also wanted to know if God was a boy or a girl. I sometimes wonder if this kid lies awake at night finding ways to rattle me??? :)


Wondering when you will find us said...

Oh she is just too funny! LMAO!!!

wsweden said...

She really keeps you on your toes!
What a cutie!

Colette said...

Oh good lord...she is a smart one! She is too cute!

Julie said...

So, is the uterus A/C? hmm. She is SOOOOOOO funny!!

Scott and Becky said...

You need to write these down! I think Gabi will appreciate it when she has kids of her own!