Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I know there's a connection here, but WHERE??

First: My sister is doing well. She has her first chemotherapy on Tuesday. I have posted a link at the top of this blog page to her "caringbridge" site where I frequently post updates.


This morning on the way to Gram and Pap's I was explaining to Gabi about the importance of today:

Mommy: Did you know that today is a monumental day in American history?

Gabi: Why?

Mommy: Because a "brown man" (as she calls him) is becoming President for the very first time.

Gabi: (dismissively) Cool.



Gabi: Do you think sharks eat brown people too, or just white people?

HUH??? WHAT???


Paulette said...

Where did that come from? That made me laugh. These young minds' gears are constantly turning....

Believeitwillhappen said...

LOL where do these Gabisms come from? I'm still laughing what a cutie

Rebecca said...

That's hilarious. You have to wonder where she comes up with this stuff.

Jo said...

Yes, we did tell Lacy. She's pretty excited. She has even picked out the names:

Girl - Gumdrop

Boy - Butterball

ummm...yeah...not so much!