Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ellie's Busy Day

Phew! Poor Elle. Today she finally had her Gastric Emptying Test. She really did great, in fact as you can see in the picture, she fell asleep for most of it. The only time she screamed was when she was waiting for her bottle! They had to put radioactive dye tracer in it. She had to fast since last night and it was 9am before she was eating!! Once she laid onto the xray machine she looked at the stickers above her head, smiled at me a few times, popped her thumb in her mouth and drifted off to sleep. :)
Tonight, she had her 4 month Well Child Check at the Dr. She weighs in at 15.4 and is 24 inches long. She is over the percentile for weight, and under for height. That's my girl! LOL She had to get 4 shots and an oral vaccine. She didn't cry until the third shot. Poor honey.
I'll keep you posted when I get the results from the test today.


Wondering when you will find us said...

Poor Ellie so many things in one day! Anyway, I had that same test last week! DId she have to stay under there for 2 hours too? It was torture!!! What a trooper that she stayed calm for so long.She is catching up to Jake , he weighed 18lbs, 14 0z, and 28 inches long at his 9 month ck up.

Jodie said...

She is such a lovey! Emma asked me today when you are bringing her back. Please keep us posted and as always, lots of prayers headed your way!

Paula said...

Wow, she sounds like she did really well. She looks so tiny in that big machine.. and then shots too. Big day for Elle :)

Jodi said...

Poor Ellie! It looked like she was a real trooper though. My Mom has had that test several times lately too.

Scott and Becky said...

Sounds like she actually enjoyed the attention and maybe did better than mom with everything - those kids are like that. Good luck with getting the answers you need.

Sue said...

That's our girl!