Saturday, September 27, 2008

Da Da dum.....

Tooth number 3 has officially arrived!! I should have known it was coming- Ellie has had terrible diaper rash this week- a sure sign that Gabi was always teething. It's in such an odd spot, I think- it is on the Upper Left (Lateral Incisor).

She's so sweet!

She also started having two meals a day today! So she is getting one jar of baby food at breakfast, and two jars of baby food for dinner (all stage 2). She also has 6 bottles a day (5-6oz sometimes with cereal). She gets Reglan three times a day and Zantac twice.

The medication seems to be working in terms of the amount of belly aches she gets. She just seems to have less crying spells and is so very often laughing and smiling. She still spits up a ton, particularly after having food. I'll take the spit up over her pain any day!


Patti said...

Sounds like all is going well.
Glad to hear her belly is better - no more belly aches = a happier baby! :-)

Hugs, Pep

Yeah for another tooth!!!!

Jodi said...

Wow, you have a good eater! Josh is so fussy and will only eat when he is hungry... I guess he is like Barry in that respect!