Wednesday, October 15, 2008



Yesterday, my Mom had her stress test. In her words she "failed miserably." Actually, after speaking with the doctor, I agree. He was amazed that she was functioning normally. Twice while hooked up her heart skipped beats. First, it skipped four beats and then three. He told her if she passed out while that happened the only way to get her out of it would be to shock her. Considering she lives alone, this was unbelievably disturbing news. He scheduled a angiogram/plasty for first thing today.

The angiogram revealed complete blockage in two of her arteries. The LAD and the circumflex. He immediately inserted stents into both sites. Ten hours later- she is feeling very well. Amazing. Hopefully, she will be released tomorrow.

It is SUCH a relief to know what was causing all of her symptoms.

Here is a picture of us from last week when she was in the ER. We were trying to pass the time by being goofy. It's how we roll. ;)


Wondering when you will find us said...

I am sorry your mom had to go through this, but glad they found answers.Hope your mom is feeling much better soon! You two are so cute together.

Jodie said...

Oh my goodness! I am so glad you got some answers and I pray this is just the fix she needed. Praise God nothing major happened before she was able to have this done!

Sue said...

You are so your mother's child!

Tell Grandma Hay Hay that she is in our thoughts!