Sunday, November 9, 2008

She asked THE Question

THE question that I had been dreading..... while we were driving......

Gabi: Mommy, is Vicky getting a baby?

Mommy: She is having a baby, not getting one. Most tummy Mommy's raise the babies that they deliver.

Gabi: So some tummy Mommies keep their babies and some don't?

Mommy: Yuppers. You and Ellie were very special because your Tummy Mommies asked us to take care of you and be your forever Mommy and Daddy.

Gabi: They don't want the babies so they give them away? Cole didn't want me?

Mommy: (Choking) No honey, it's just the opposite. She LOVED you SO much and she knew she couldn't take care of you, so she asked us to love you forever and always. She LOVES you!

Gabi: I think there is a bird on your shoulder. (Apparently, it wasn't as monumental a question for me, as it was for her. lol)

Here are some pics of Gabi and I being silly. She kept coming up with ideas for new pics---clearly she was STALLING before bed! LOL


Life with my BOYS! said...

Good job Mommy, giving her those answers and continuing to breath! She certainly is your daughter with all the funny faces she like to make, I think you posted one of you and your Mom, looking very much like you and Gabi! She keeps you on your toes; don't you wonder what Ellie will be like?!

Paulette said...

What a sweetie.... Good job Mommy!! Some of these moments are tough but very worthwhile...

Jo said...

it's funny how the "big" questions (to us) sometimes turn out to be the "no big deal" questions to them. What a great life we have with these girls!!! :)

Paula said...

I love the term tummy mommies. You did so well at explaining it.