Sunday, November 2, 2008

Talking Politics with a Five Year Old

Summer 2008:

Gabi: (After seeing a political commercial) Mommy, I want John McCain to be our next President.

Mommy: Why is that?

Gabi: Cause he's prettier.

October 2008:

Mommy: So do you still want John McCain for President?

Gabi: No, I changed up my mind. I want I'Rock Obama.

Mommy: What made you change your mind, did you see something on tv that made you like his views better. Was it during a debate or something? (I enjoy talking to her like she's 40, lol)

Gabi: No, I just like brown people.

Mommy: Well honey, we don't determine our next president based on skin color. etc, etc...

Gabi: No Mommy, I just like brown people best so that's why I want him to win.

Mommy: Honey we need to choose based on what they believe in, not based on what color they are. We must not judge people by the color of their skin.

Gabi: (in her 40 year old voice) Mommy, everybody does it.

-What?? Is this really coming from the mouth of a child that can't tie her own shoes???

November 2008:

Mommy: So, who do you want for President this week?

Gabi: I told you, I want I'Rock Obamba.

Mommy: Well I was wondering if maybe you had changed your mind again.

Gabi: Nope. You know why I want I'Rock Obama?

Mommy: No honey I don't really even have a clue.

Gabi: Cause he Rocks, he's I'Rock Obama and he's a Rock Star!!!


Sue said...

Oh, that girl!

If only life was so simple, sigh.

Jo said...

Lacy told her pulmonologist that she wanted Obama too. I had to take her aside and explain to her that we do not say things like that in front of Grampy! He taught her that Ronald Reagan was the best president ever. Oh those grandparents!

Jodie said...

That child! Maybe she will grow up to be a rock star....or president! She is so smart!!

Michelle said...

LOL... she always makes me laugh :)

Paulette said...

With that mind and voice, the world is wide open for an amazing future!

Wondering when you will find us said...

She is a trip! haha!

wsweden said...

She's too funny!

BooMama said...

Hey, that sounds like about as good a reason as any. She cracks me up.