Saturday, June 23, 2007

Husbands......Ya Gotta Love Em

OY! Guess what? The grill WORKS! My dearest husband wasn't used to this new fangled invention that they call a "safety feature". OY! He had just turned the grill on in the wrong order and thats why the flame wouldn't get any higher than it was. Did I say OY? OY OY OY


Anonymous said...

That's too funny! Barry put Josh's crib together last night and today and I called my Mom to tell her that maybe it would be done by the time he's 15!

Maybe you should have put the grill together!

Jodie said...

That is a hoot! Does this mean you are lifting your ban on Target??

Paulette said...

LOVE IT!!!! To err is human!
Time to be reacquainted with your friend (Target). Go shopping!

terilynnh2000 said...

Okay- vote needed here-- Should I or should I not reconcile??????? I mean, just because the grill works- it still doesn't negate the return policy. On the other hand, who cares, I miss my friend!

Scott and Becky said...

At least you wouldn't be going into the relationship with blinders on. Besides, don't real true friends deserve a second chance?