Saturday, November 24, 2007

Another AWESOME Visit!

Today, Gabi and I spent the day visiting with Gabi's Birth Grandma (Grandma Kathy) and three of her bio siblings- Ashley, Erica, and Tyler. These kids are just AWESOME! They are sooooo kind, and thoughtful and I LOVE visiting with them. They all take such great care of each other, including Gabi. She was shy for about a second and quickly warmed up. It was neat watching the four of them playing together. Every now and then I would watch them, imagining what her life could have been. Had she remained with her family of origin, she would be the fourth of six (soon to be seven) children; much different than her "almost" only childhood here. The age difference between her and Nicki (13 years) seems so huge compared to the 2 years that separate her and Tyler. Words just don't do justice to the way I feel about having contact- no, it's more than contact, it's relationships, with the people who share a genetic connection to my daughter. Open adoption is a gift. A blessing. I am so thankful.


Life with my BOYS! said...

How funny Teri, that all the girls have their heads tilted to the right! What a blessing to have contact with them and for Gabi to know who they are! I have dreams of a road trip to Indy for Jacob to meet his biological siblings...time will tell!

Glad you had fun!

Sue said...

You certainly have something very special. So glad to hear you had such a nice visit, though I knew you would. Sounds like Gabi is part of TWO pretty awesome families!!!

Jodie said...

What a great day! So happy you got to see everyone. Gabi is so blessed to have such a huge family! :)

Wondering when you will find us said...

Thats great you all have such a special connection!:)

terilynnh2000 said...

That's so funny Molly- I never even noticed that!! Thanks for the comments ladies! I love ya!