Thursday, November 29, 2007

No Matter What I do.....

nothing seems to work. We were profiled again this week. I tried the don't-tell-anyone-so-as-not-to-jinks-it routine. Found out today we weren't chosen. Throws that theory out the window. I am trying so hard to be strong, to be positive, to keep an open mind. It's just the days like these that throw me back to a place of doubt and insecurity. The good news is that my recovery time appears to be improving. I already feel a little better. I only spent a few hours in "baby mode" as Vicky dubbed it (the time after not being chosen where I can't function). This is good. I used to live there for days. I have the most amazing daughter I could have ever hoped for. I have a step-daughter who fills us with love. Maybe this is where our life is? Maybe we are only meant for these two beautiful girls? I don't say that with self-pity- I say it with realistic expectation. I guess only time will tell. It's in God's hands. It always has been. It always will be.


Life with my BOYS! said...

HUGS!!!!!!!!! HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hang in there the best is yet to be!

Paulette said...

Ditto! Doubt will always be there to show it's ugly face but you have to give it all you got and then go a little bit more. They say that just as you are about to throw in the towel, your lucky strike happens. Hang in there friend. We are are rooting for you!

Jodi said...

Teri, I know how hard it is. Take comfort in and enjoy your time with Gabi and Nicki..... and your baby will be here soon!!! I read a book called the secret before we brought Josh home and it helped me to think more positively about the whole adoption process.

Michelle said...

Don't give up Teri! It will happen. Hang in there...

Jodie said...

I am at a loss for words. I just hope you know how much you are loved. We're praying for you all the time. Hugs!

Paula said...

It is in Gods hands. He works in His time, not ours. But its still so hard to wait. I know where your coming from.