"I don't think a birth parent chooses her child's parents, as from a Chinese menu, but, rather, recognizes them." ~AJL

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Who's Bright Idea Was This????
I really believe that the Lord works in mysterious ways. You know how I had asked you all to recommend a book so that I could distract myself from thinking about the adoption? To help time fly by? WELL- LISTEN TO WHAT HAPPENED!!!! At work every year we have a silly auction where people bring thier "junk" into the faculty room and we bid on it to make money for special lunches and stuff. So someone had brought in "Sam's Letters to Jennifer" by James Patterson. I had never read Patterson, but decided to give it a go. I won the book, as the only bidder, for the high price of .25! Sooooo- I was indulging in some pre-bedtime reading- lost (for once!!) in the story. However, as I said, the Lord is always there. Would you believe that one of the characters in the book is from THE SAME TOWN our potential birthmom lives in? I'm NOT kidding!! This is not a very large town in Indiana- and to see it mentioned in the book took the wind out of my sails!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Oh dear! Gabi has been into non-animated movies lately. She started with Matilda, moved to Home Alone, and is now obsessed with Uptown Girls. As a rule, she watches these movies OVER and OVER again until she knows them word for word. Well, tonight Gabi asked me "Mommy, is a "sluck-bag-horse" a bad word? It took me about a second to realize she was referring to the scene in Uptown Girls where Dakota Fanning fights another girl at school "because her nanny called my nanny a slu*-bag-w*ore". OH DEAR! When Gabi becomes obsessed with something, she is TOTALLY overcome by it. She will have this phrase stuck in her head forever!
Fast forward to bedtime:
Gabi: (singing) Sluck, Sluck
Mommy: Gabi, I told you NOT to say those words.
Gabi: What? I just said "sluck", it's not like I said "sluck-bag-horse".
Fast forward to bedtime:
Gabi: (singing) Sluck, Sluck
Mommy: Gabi, I told you NOT to say those words.
Gabi: What? I just said "sluck", it's not like I said "sluck-bag-horse".
Monday, January 21, 2008
Anybody read any good books lately? I need to be distracted for the next few weeks! Jodi Piccoult is my favorite author. Although, I just finished reading Identical Strangers, an amazing and true story about twins seperated by an adoption agencey at birth for the purposes of researching nature vs. nurture. It's awesome and particularly insightful for those of us in the adoption world.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Lord has Answered
Did you know that's what Eliana means??
Okay- which spelling do you prefer (if either):
Eliana or Elliana
I am thinking of adding the other "l" for two reasons:
1. NOBODY has pronounced the name correctly since we shared it if they saw it in writing first.
2. We are spelling Ellie with two "l"'s so doesn't it make more sense?
IDK. I have toooooo much time on my hands without having her in my hands!!!
Okay- which spelling do you prefer (if either):
Eliana or Elliana
I am thinking of adding the other "l" for two reasons:
1. NOBODY has pronounced the name correctly since we shared it if they saw it in writing first.
2. We are spelling Ellie with two "l"'s so doesn't it make more sense?
IDK. I have toooooo much time on my hands without having her in my hands!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Eliana Annette
It's official! We are naming her Eliana (El-lee-AH-nuh) Annette, Ellie for short. I can't wait! Naming her makes it so much more REAL!
Other names we strongly considered: Elise, Camille, Marissa, and Adeline.
Other names we strongly considered: Elise, Camille, Marissa, and Adeline.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Hello, My Name Is.........

Would you kindly offer some name suggestions?? I have visited every "naming" website known to man, own 5 naming books, and still we cannot seem to name our daughter!
- I would like her middle name to be "Annette" after my Aunt that passed away a few years ago.
- I hated that I had no formal name (just Teri) but I like nicknames- particularly those that end in "i" or with that "ee" sound- as in "Howie", "Teri", "Nicki", and "Gabi".
- I don't want a name that every other child in her Kindergarten class will have- it has to be unique- yet classy.
So- there's your mission- should you choose to accept it.
Oh, and I promise not to laugh at or ridicule your suggestions, if you promise not to be angry if I don't use them. :)
Monday, January 14, 2008

We are still okay. We are still in this. She has reassured us that she is certain about her choice. She is relieved with her choice. Adoption is like the most EXTREME of roller coaster rides with ups and downs, twists and turns, and sharp starts and stops. We found an attorney we think is going to be fabulous! Can you hear the collective output of our giant sighs?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Oh I am sooo nervous. I KNOW that I tend to be overly sensitive (and paranoid). I have ALWAYS had that issue. So, I am TRYING to remind myself of that. But, I haven't heard from our PBM in a few days, despite having emailed and called her a few times. I am TRYING to draw the line between initiating contact and stalking. It's so very hard. I just DON'T know what to think. I am sure that everything is fine, that I am just overreacting. I realize that she has a busy life and I need to give her space. It's just so hard not knowing. I HATE not KNOWING. I HATE that I need such constant reassurance. It reminds me of how I must have been as a girlfriend- always worrying that the worst would happen. It's a wonder my husband ever married me- in remember how needy I was! So, if you would, please send some prayers our way. Prayers for us and for her as well. I really adore this woman, and pray that she is okay.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Some Days....
...are easier than others. There have been times in this adoption process- this past 17+ months where I have been completely confident that it WILL happen for us. Other days, I have been discouraged, feeling almost certain that there was little to no chance of adopting again. Even since being matched, I've had days that are better than others. Some days it feels GREAT- I have an amazing connection with our potential birth mom. She is a woman of strength. On those days, I believe that this part of our journey- the waiting- is nearing its end. Then there are other days saturated with doubt. Figuring out the logistics. Attorneys. Travel. Attorneys. Finances. Attorneys. Today is a day of questions. I hope that tomorrow is a day of answers.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Speaking of Hair.....
Today, I was on the phone with my hair salon scheduling an appointment. Gabi stood next to me and screamed into the phone "Make her bald, she wants to be bald". Thankfully, the woman on the other end had a sense of humor. I swear, my daughters life is all about the next punch line!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
"Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow"
and after!
Today, we took Gabi and Alex to Sweet and Sassy which is an adorable salon just for girls. I was feeling brave- and allowed the stylist to give Gabi bangs, which she has not had in her entire life. To be honest, I'm not loving it- but maybe I just need to get used to it? After hair, the girls had a mini-manicure. What a great way to spend the day! 


Waiting for their nails to dry!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Welcome 2008
Happy New Year to One and All! I am so hopeful for the many things to come this year.
If all goes as planned (God willing) this will be a full year for us.
- PRAYING for the arrival of our daughter in March.
-Howie celebrates a milestone bday in March as well.
-Nicki graduates from high school in June.
-Nicki leaves for college in Aug.
-Gabi starts Kindergarten in Sept.
I am so full of hope for our family, as well as for our loved ones.
May this be known as "The Year of the Baby" for all of us waiting!!!
If all goes as planned (God willing) this will be a full year for us.
- PRAYING for the arrival of our daughter in March.
-Howie celebrates a milestone bday in March as well.
-Nicki graduates from high school in June.
-Nicki leaves for college in Aug.
-Gabi starts Kindergarten in Sept.
I am so full of hope for our family, as well as for our loved ones.
May this be known as "The Year of the Baby" for all of us waiting!!!
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