Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Oh dear! Gabi has been into non-animated movies lately. She started with Matilda, moved to Home Alone, and is now obsessed with Uptown Girls. As a rule, she watches these movies OVER and OVER again until she knows them word for word. Well, tonight Gabi asked me "Mommy, is a "sluck-bag-horse" a bad word? It took me about a second to realize she was referring to the scene in Uptown Girls where Dakota Fanning fights another girl at school "because her nanny called my nanny a slu*-bag-w*ore". OH DEAR! When Gabi becomes obsessed with something, she is TOTALLY overcome by it. She will have this phrase stuck in her head forever!

Fast forward to bedtime:

Gabi: (singing) Sluck, Sluck

Mommy: Gabi, I told you NOT to say those words.

Gabi: What? I just said "sluck", it's not like I said "sluck-bag-horse".



Life with my BOYS! said...

Teri~you are in for it!!! Watch out...but those are the children who are the most creative as well as persistent...and persistence is key to SUCCESS!!! I love the Gabisms!

Paula said...

That is so funny. It reminds me of when my older daughter was young and she was in the back seat of the car. I was driving and getting infuriated at an older woman who was in front of me, so I said "move your butt, grannie" and then from the back seat in this little 3 yr old voice I hear "move your butt, grannie".
I learned a big lesson from that :)

Paulette said...

This is one instance that mispronunciation is in your favor...ahhhhh! OOps!

Sue said...

Oh My. That girl sure keeps us in stitches!!! Usually it is MY daughter teaching your daughter bad words. But somehow "poopy head" seems benign comparatively speaking.

Jodie said...

That is beyond funny!