Saturday, January 12, 2008


Oh I am sooo nervous. I KNOW that I tend to be overly sensitive (and paranoid). I have ALWAYS had that issue. So, I am TRYING to remind myself of that. But, I haven't heard from our PBM in a few days, despite having emailed and called her a few times. I am TRYING to draw the line between initiating contact and stalking. It's so very hard. I just DON'T know what to think. I am sure that everything is fine, that I am just overreacting. I realize that she has a busy life and I need to give her space. It's just so hard not knowing. I HATE not KNOWING. I HATE that I need such constant reassurance. It reminds me of how I must have been as a girlfriend- always worrying that the worst would happen. It's a wonder my husband ever married me- in remember how needy I was! So, if you would, please send some prayers our way. Prayers for us and for her as well. I really adore this woman, and pray that she is okay.


Paula said...

Man, I know that feeling that you are feeling. I remember it well. Hang in there and just remember God is in control of this, not you. So give it all to Him. I will be praying for you and her.

Wondering when you will find us said...

Yes, this brings back memories. I hated the feeling of not being called back, etc.. But than all of a sudden she would call. Maybe she is just busy :) praying for you.

Colette said...

Hang in there girl! Our birth mom wouldn't call back at certian time..her cell phone was not the same as ours, so she would wait until her minutes were back. It use to drive me nuts! I look back at it now and it makes me crazy! Like Paula said...turn it over and keep the faith. What youare feeling is totally normal! Keep is easier said then done...I know...but try...go to the movies, to the mall...keep busy! Hugs to you!

Julie said...

LOL. The adoption roller coaster reminded me of my dating days too. and lol... how I used to worry I was coming across as a stalker. LOL. You TOTALLY reminded me of myself!! I just never shared this analogy with anyone! I used to call Nicole at LEAST twice a week when we were getting profiled! I DO NOT miss the roller coaster. I feel for you!!! I DO HEAR very clearly your sighs of relief. HOLD ON TIGHT!!