Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Lord has Answered

Did you know that's what Eliana means??

Okay- which spelling do you prefer (if either):

Eliana or Elliana

I am thinking of adding the other "l" for two reasons:

1. NOBODY has pronounced the name correctly since we shared it if they saw it in writing first.

2. We are spelling Ellie with two "l"'s so doesn't it make more sense?

IDK. I have toooooo much time on my hands without having her in my hands!!!


Paula said...

You would think that most people would know how to pronounce it, but, I think spelling it with two LL's would insure them saying it correctly.

Jodie said...

Two l's? YES!! I say you should add the extra L!

Paulette said...

I like the way 2 L's look too I also feel it insures the correct pronunciation :)

Sue said...

Could be more suitable! And I do like the double 'L' and was actually going to suggest it.

Nicole said...

have you considered asking the birth mother what she likes best? Just a thought.. but i bet she'd love to have some input into the baby's name.

Life with my BOYS! said...

Go with the 2 ls I think it makes the pronunciation easier!

Wondering when you will find us said...

Yes, I agree with everyone else! Can't wait til your amazing day is here :)

terilynnh2000 said...

Thanks, Ladies! We are going to go with two "l"s!