Monday, December 15, 2008

"I Hat My Mom"

Should I be proud, or should I be in tears??? Gabi constructed one of her very first written sentences today. She showed it to me and said "What does this say?" I looked at it and gasped! Could my sweet baby girl really have written what I think she was trying to write ("I hat my Mom)!?!? I actually started to cry- (dramatic, I know- but I was really hurt AND I wanted her to KNOW how upset I was).

She started crying too and said "Mommy, I didn't mean to write that, I didn't"

I finally got out of her that she had written it when she was mad at me because I made her go to bed and wouldn't let her sit with me. We promised each other that we would NEVER say that to or about each other again (even when she is an angry teenager-does writing about it here make it legally binding in 10 years??). She made us PINKY SWEAR on it!

I did congratulate her on writing the words so well. She said "Does that really spell hate?"
I told her it was very close, that she had just left off the "e". To which she responds "See- it doesn't say hate!! I didn't write that- I forgot the "e". Lol!!

In other recent "Gabisms".......

On the radio the other morning they were talking about The Nobel Peace Prize. Gabi asked what it was....

Mommy: It's a very, very special award that not many people get. You have to do something really, really good and nice for other people.

Gabi: Are we going to get that award?

Mommy: No, honey- it's a REALLY BIG award that very few people get world-wide.

Gabi: I think I'm going to get it. Remember, I held the door open for you the other day?

Another car conversation......

She kept asking for her backpack, and then giving it back to me to keep in the front seat.

Gabi: Mommy, I need my backpack I have a snack in there and I'm REALLY hungry.

Mommy: Gabi this is the LAST time I'm going to pass this bag back to you. It's too dangerous while I'm driving.

Gabi: I'll tell you what's dangerous. What's dangerous is me not getting something to eat.


Paulette said...

Love the budding writer you have even if there is sadness that comes out of the words put to page.. I cracked up hearing that back seat hunger IS a dangerous thing..that made me laugh!

Sue said...

Is this ever a glimpse of what lies ahead!

Dolly said...

I'm a mother of an adopted son-and I was raised by adopted parents. Thanks for sharing an endearing moment with your child-very sweet! I can really relate with the whole concept!