Monday, July 30, 2007

"Steak"- Gabi Style

Time for another Gabism- this kid keeps me on my toes!!!

Tonight my darling was ticked at me for making her leave her friends house. So, as we are driving home I hear the sound of water pouring- I look in the mirror to see that Gabi has purposefully turned a water bottle upside down and is dumping it's contents onto the floor of my van. Then, she has the audacity to SMILE at me! So, I ask her what on earth would posess her to do such a thing and she tells me in her soothing, calm voice-- "Mommy, listen, just listen, sometimes people they make "steaks", you know they just can't help it they make "steaks". Mommy, "steaks" just happen, so don't worry about it".



Colette said...

She is too much! I love it! Cute pictures too! Hugs

Life with my BOYS! said...

I LOVE IT!! People make STEAKS!! I LOVE IT

Jodie said...

That kid is priceless!!

Wondering when you will find us said...

So funny! haha! I have to tell Nick that one, he will get a kick out of it!

Paulette said...

Unfortunately, I did tell this story to my kids... I'll probably live to regret it..GULP!
Too funny though!