Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's Official: I'm a DQ

OY!!! So this afternoon, after a nice bike ride over to my friends house, while swimming in the pool- I got stung by a bee. HOLY COW those SUCKERS HURT!!!!! Anyway, I was stung in my neck. I tried to remain calm and straight away took 25mg of Benadryl and put ice on it. I was really trying not to make a big deal of it- as Gabi was right there.

Well, anyone who knows Howie probably knows that he is SEVERELY allergic to bee stings. In fact, in September after being stung in the neck he spent 5 hours in the trauma unit at Strong. They couldn't "get him out of it", as the Dr. so eloquently put it.

Anyone who knows me probably knows that I am a FREAK when it comes to even the slightest possibility that there may be something physically wrong with me. I have more somatic symptoms than real ones! So, after about 10 mins I realize that it is difficult to swallow. Not impossible, not painful, just difficult- actually just "different". So, I wait a few mins and imagine myself face down on the deck breathing my last breath. It was at this point that I decided to call my Dr. I was still not totally convinced that I wasn't conjuring up this feeling of "swollen tongue" myself. I was advised to take 75 mg MORE of Benadryl and to get myself to the ER.

I arrived safely at the ER, courtesy of Jody. I then spent the next 2.5 hours waiting to bee seen by a Dr. who tells me in not so many words that Howie is allergic to bees. Teri is not.

:O Told you, I am a DRAMA QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG you are too funny!!!! But I have to say that at least you are honest about you being a Drama Queen!!! Miss you!!!

terilynnh2000 said...

Nony??? Stranger!!! How are you? Get in touch with me! :)

Sue said...

Oh Darling, I saw that coming a mile away!

Glad to hear that you are alright.

Life with my BOYS! said...

Isnt it funny how we "feel" symptoms!!! I do the same thing, I can just feel my breath being sucked away! Hey~I just read a thing if you are stung to tape a penny on the spot for 20 minutes...the bee "VENOM" reacts with the copper and stops hurting swelling etc!
Glad you are OK!

Jodie said...

Just glad you're okay!!! :)

Paulette said...

You never know though... I wouldn't take the chance either...YIKES!!! So glad that you are okay!!!!

Colette said...

OUCH! Glad you are ok! Jeff is the same as Howie, so when we see bee's we both freak out! NICE! he looks like a little girl...it cracks me up! Glad to hear all is well DQ! LOL Hugs

Anonymous said...
