Sunday, January 7, 2007

Gender Confusion

So- when I was "pregnant" with Gabi, I was drawn to girl clothes. I purchased several on-sale items through the waiting years: 5% were gender neutral, 5% were male, and yes, 90% were female clothes. I hoped for a girl (although I would have told you that "a healthy baby" was all that mattered). Anyway, this time around I am drawn to male clothing-- which by the way-- WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO GENDER NEUTRAL NEWBORN CLOTHING? Seriously, gone are the greens and yellows. Now there are blues and pinks. Or, if it is a green outfit it will have a truck on it, or a flower. Makes my impulse shopping extremely difficult, I'll tell you that! So, yes back to my original point- I have been looking mostly at male clothing this time. Is it an instinct? Is it a sign? Idk. I guess only time will tell.......


Jodie said...

Oh, I think it's a sign. I think you're having a boy. :) Here's hoping "the call" will come soon!!

terilynnh2000 said...

I hear that!

BooMama said...

ooo...teri, it's mama's intuition!! i know what you mean about neutral stuff. i love duckies, but how many can one child wear???? - Gen