Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Whatever God Gives Us"

AHHHH WHAT DOES THAT MEAN EXACTLY? I saw a girl who graduated a year after I did at the gym tonight. She has SIX kids! NO multiples! She talked of having more- when I questioned if she would she replied "Whatever God gives us." What if God DOESN'T give you the ability to bear children? What does this mean? Is she closer to God because He has blessed her with the ability to conceive and deliver so many children? Have I done something wrong? Does God choose this path for us? I KNOW that Gabi was meant to be with us- believe me- that part I know without question. It's the rest that I can't figure out.


Jodie said...

I'm right there with you my friend. I wish I had all the answers. It seems like just when I have one piece figured out a new glitch gets thrown in to make me question all over again. Thank goodness we're not alone in all this!

Paulette said...

I am new here and all, and have bio kids and miscarriages and a death of a child too and currently pursuing adoption... I feel "whatever God gives us" included the paths, the roads in which he leads us to travel..whether it is enumerous IVF's, adoption, or a competant physical body, etc.. There are bumps in everyone's road, at one time or another. Take your blessings as you receive them. Without any doubt, Gabi was absolutely part of the plan that God had for you! Awesome!

BooMama said...

boy, do i know what you mean, Teri! and when you throw all the "unplanned" and "unwanted" pregnancies into the mix, sometimes I just want to bang my head against the wall! but God does work all things for His glory - not our plans, or wants, but His glory. and that will only make sense to us later on, if at all. just think - your kids are so special that they need 4 people to bring them into the world, not just the usual two! i hope baby #2 finds you soon...happy day! :) Gen

Julie said...

This is a rough one for me. Tough for me not to be judgmental sometimes too when the however many kids "God gave them" may not be getting taken care of. But, if there were no unplanned pregnancies, I would remain childless. My hunch is, she wouldn't use the line, "whatever God gives us" if anyone close to her was affected by infertility.