Monday, January 8, 2007

"Please Let Me Have a Belly Like Santa"

It's official- I am a terrible mother! Gabi is 3 years and 4 months old. I have let this go on for much, much too long. I knew it was time, when I read that I had written the same thing in the 2 year update to Cole, as in the 3 year. So- I consider Gabi to be fully potty trained- she never has accidents and always knows when she needs to go. The problem is that she will only make #1 in the potty. For #2 she gets a diaper and brings it to us. She does her business, and moves on. WELL- I know I have let this go on for too long. It is SO HARD to break her of it! This is much much harder than losing the binky. So- we are going cold turkey- no more diapers. It is SO HARD!! She cries. She dances around squeezing cheeks for hours. We talked about why she needs to get the "poopy" out- that it makes her belly big and hard and sore. She begged and pleaded with me to just let her "have a santa belly"- to not force her to poopy so that she could keep her belly big like Santa. She tried to tell me that she has a baby in her tummy, that's why it needs to be so big. She told me she wanted a big belly like me! This kid is full of so many excuses- each one sweeter than the next! How do I stay firm when she is so stinkin cute?!?!?! (no pun intended)


Sue said...

Oh how I feel for you sister! But stick to your guns. I know how tough and frustrating it is. Give it all you've got for a few solid days and then re-evaluate things. And my only other piece of advice is to throw away everyone else's advice. You know her better than anyone, you know if she is ready or not and you have a much better idea what is finally going to make it "click" for her.

Good luck, my friend!

Anonymous said...

So enjoying your blog! A little late. But you are an Awesome inspiration to have her visit her birthmom and siblings. Wish you had more support. -- Julie W.

Anonymous said...

Ok this is coming from someone who has yet to raise a toddler... but... have you tried... bribery???

I am told that as a toddler I was much the same as Gabi. I really wanted a Glo-Worm. So one day my mom got one, wrapped it up, and put it on top of the fridge. She said I could have the present when I went #2 on the potty. So I marched down the hall to the bathroom and apparently I earned my Glo-Worm. After that I was done with diapers.

Good luck, I will be glad to be done with diapers some day but oh I am not looking forward to potty training..

terilynnh2000 said...

Alyssa-- YOU ROCK!!!! After 2 days of painful screaming (Gabi and I) and accidents- I flashed some new nail polish in front of my divas face and she RAN to the potty and without hesitation made a bowel movement! OH THAT STUBBORN CHILD!!!!!