Monday, January 15, 2007

Things I Never Knew I'd Say

Since becoming a parent, I am sometimes suprised at the words that come out of my mouth to form sentences. I've decided to jot down a few, and will add more as I recall/compose them!

In no particular order:

"Even if you finish all of your dinner, you still can't have a tampon for dessert."

"It's not nice to step on people's heads."
"I really don't know why Gram's purse doesn't match her bra."
"No, the dentist won't be looking at my "coo-coo"
"Strawberry Shortcake will be so proud that you pooped on the potty, let's call her!"


Jodie said...

Okay, you'll have to explain the tampon one! LOL From Strawberry Shortcake herself, I have to say that I am very proud of Gabi and the potty! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jodie. Wanting an explanation of the tampon one. LOL hehe. :)

Sue said...

Love it, we too are fascinated with tampons!